Why you should hire a Surrogacy Coach

April 22, 2022

You have seen during your research into surrogacy that you can get a surrogacy coach. But what in the world is a surrogacy coach and why should you hire one?

A surrogacy coach is a personal coach to help you navigate the surrogacy journey. Whether you are just starting to research surrogacy, a starting a journey, in the middle of a journey or at the postpartum stage. A surrogate coach can help you navigate all things surrogacy related such as contracts, communication, finding a support team, relationship issues, fertility related concerns, emotional distress and so much more! No matter where you are in the process a surrogacy coach can help!

Read below to discover the 10 reasons why you should hire a surrogacy coach …

1. Help with Contracts

A great surrogate coach can help you maximize your contracts. While they are not a lawyer, we would recommend that you hire an amazing ART lawyer in your area, but they can help you figure out what you need to consider for your unique situation. Lawyers are experts in fertility and surrogacy law, but a surrogate coach is an expert in surrogacy itself.

2. Support your Journey

We know that surrogacy can be a long and complicated journey. Having expert support throughout the process is crucial for a successful journey. There are so many options when it comes to surrogacy support, a surrogate coach can help you sort out which options are right for you.

3. Help Resolve Issues

A great surrogate coach can help you with any issues, concerns or conflicts that may arise during your surrogacy journey. They can help you navigate emotional issues such as communication, boundaries, loss, pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

4. Save Time/ Money

A surrogate coach has lots of tips and tricks to help you save so much time and money. They are full of insider knowledge that will help make sure that you aren’t wasting your valuable resources. They can help you avoid costly mistakes. Frankly, it is difficult to get any real world information about surrogacy without shelling out tens of thousands to a surrogacy agency, lawyer or fertility clinic. They can quickly help you determine what is right for you at low cost and little effort for you.

5. A Surrogacy coach works for YOU

They are an impartial support person that is invested only in your well-being in the process. A surrogacy coach isn’t an agency looking for you to invest tens of thousands dollars with them. A surrogacy coach only wants to make sure that you are getting the support and services that you need.

6. Help you create the best support team

A lot goes into finding the best surrogacy support team. A surrogacy coach can help you determine who should be part of your support team and who you should stay away from. Picking the wrong support team can cost you greatly in time and in money.

7. Industry connections

They’ve done their research, made connections and know a lot of the ins and outs of the surrogacy industry. They can help connect you to the right people at the right time. They know who you should work with and who you should avoid. A surrogacy coach can also link you to great support groups.

8. Lowers Stress and Anxiety

Having an expert that you can call regarding your surrogacy journey just helps alleviate stress and anxiety. Just knowing that you are never alone in the process can help immensely. Your surrogacy coach can also help you with exercises that can help you manage and cope better during your surrogacy journey.

9. More Positive Journey

Since you are less stressed and anxious about the process itself, you can better focusing on enjoying the journey. Your surrogate coach can also help you with improving and deepening your relationship with your surrogate/ intended parents. This helps you all have a more positive and rewarding experience.

10. Real Life Experience

Your surrogacy coach has walked the journey of surrogacy and has real life, practical and useful advice regarding surrogacy. There is no thinking if this person understands what you are going though because they have lived the experience themselves.

Final Thoughts …

Sometimes it just helps to know that you have a strong supporter in your corner that understands what you are going through. You are not alone in this journey. We at Supporting Surrogacy wish you the very best surrogacy journey ever.

Hire a Surrogacy coach today

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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