14 Ways to Survive the Two Week Wait

March 25, 2022

The two weeks between transfer are the absolutely the longest two weeks ever. We know how difficult it can be without wanting to pee on a stick every time you use the bathroom. Supporting Surrogacy has rounded up 14 ways to survive the two week wait.

1. Make plans with friends

Go for lunch or get your friends together for a movie night, games night or book club. Go out and make some plans to get you out of the house. Make sure these plans are cancellable (You know what we mean). Have plans to look forward to but let your self skip them if you need to curl up.

2. Pamper yourself

Go for a massage or facial, have a relaxing bath or go to a yoga class. Your body is going through a lot right now, especially with all the meds and needles. Self Care will go a long way.

3. Express yourself

It’s good to express with how you are feeling. Work on your journal, talk to a close friend or make an appointment with a therapist. It can be emotionally draining to to keep all these expectations, hopes and worries in so it’s a great idea to have a place to get them out.

4. Get Creative

Do something artsy. Art helps soothe your brain and soul. It allows you to process some feelings while keeping you occupied. If you aren’t an artsy person here’s a surrogacy coloring book we think you might love.

5. Find a productive distraction

Clean your house, organize that junk drawer, clean out your inbox, clean up your photos. Do something you’ve been putting off for ages. It will feel good crossing of an item from your to do list.

6. Throw yourself into work

Sometimes when things aren’t going how we’d like in one area of our life we can step up our game in another area. Growth in one area helps remind us that we are still awesome! Plus bonus points at work before going off on leave. Fingers Crossed

7. Help Someone else

We know that being a surrogate is the ultimate gift for someone else. Since we know you love giving so much how about spending this time giving to someone else. You can help friends, coworkers, volunteer or whatever you can think of that helps someone else. Giving your time is kindness multiplied.

8. Get to know your intended parents better

Now is a great time to keep each other busy by spending more time getting to know each other better. Why not play a game of 20 questions to get to know each other deeper? You can survive the two week wait by keeping each other distracted.

9. Get away

Go on a weekend getaway with your partner or a friend. How about a last-minute trip to a cottage or an Air Bnb? You can change your perspective by changing your scenery.

10. Entertainment

Read a book that you’ve been wanting to read for months or binge-watch a show on Netflix, go to a play or watch a new movie. Now is a great time to do things you might be too tired for in the coming months.

11. Get outside

Go for a long walk, plant a garden, go for a bike ride or just sit back and enjoy a that good book from earlier in the local park. Nature can help ground, calm and soothe you.

12. Get lots of rest

Things always seem worse and more overwhelming when you’re exhausted. Embrace naps and early bedtimes and sleep in if you can. Sweet dreams!

13. Join your transfer group

Find a transfer group of other surrogates or any trying to conceive groups and connect with other women who are going through the same thing. You can help others or have them support you in getting through this time.

14. Pee on a stick

When all else fails and you just can’t wait anymore. You can always just pee on the darn stick. It’s ok, tons of surrogates do it every single time. Even when we tell ourselves we won’t. Get some affordable sticks here.

Final Thoughts …

We know that it feels impossible to try to survive the two week wait. We know that it will be the longest two weeks of your life. Soon, the wait will be over and you will know your answer. Sending you all the Sticky Vibes!!

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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