Surrogacy Myths

March 7, 2022

There are loads of surrogacy myths floating around. Supporting surrogacy has gathered 10 common surrogacy myths and gives you the real scoop about what is actually going on. Read on to see what answers that may surprise you.

Myth#1 Surrogates are related to the baby

In the movies, surrogates go the the bathroom with a turkey baster. In reality, this is not how it works. Most surrogates are gestational surrogates. Which mean they use an egg from either the intended mother. Or they can use a donated egg. Which would mean the surrogate is in fact NOT RELATED. The surrogate will not share any DNA or characteristics with the baby.

Myth #2 People choose surrogacy For convenience

We’ve heard it a bunch that people choose surrogates so they don’t have to carry the child. It’s too inconvenient to be pregnant or they didn’t want to gain weight. We can assure you this does not happen. Surrogacy is often a last resort. Here are some actual reasons people choose surrogacy.

  • Infertility
  • Health Risks for the Mother (including life threatening issues)
  • Health Issues that prevent a woman from getting or staying pregnant
  • LGTBQ couples who cannot carry themselves

Myth #3 Surrogates only do it for the money

For starters, Did you know that in some countries- like Canada- It is illegal for a person to receive payment for surrogacy? Of course in some places you will receive a base compensation. To be approved for surrogacy, you must complete a psychological screening. Consequently, you are disqualified for doing surrogacy only for the payment. It is hard to explain to someone who has never been a surrogate the motivations for doing surrogacy. It’s more about the general sense of helping another person achieve the lifelong dream of being a parent. Finally, Surrogates must be a parent themselves before being a surrogate and they know how lifechanging becoming a parent can be.

Myth #4 Surrogacy is unethical where women sell their wombs for intended parents profit

As mentioned above, surrogates in North America must be psychologically screened before entering into surrogacy. Moreover, This means that they need to prove that they are making the decision of their own free will. Finally, surrogates make a fully informed choice to be a part of this journey. They know exactly what they are singing up for.

Myth #5 Surrogacy is illegal where I live

It is important to follow up with an assisted reproduction (ART) lawyer in your area. While surrogacy contracts may not be enforceable where you live. However, you may still qualify. Hence, you must consult a lawyer to determine your options for where you live.

Myth #6 They can just adopt

Unfortunately, adoption isn’t open to everyone. There are many families that attempt foster care and adoption are not successful. They can spend decades waiting and never get selected. Everyone deserves to have the biological family that they want. That is just simple fact. Just like you are not giving anyone who naturally conceives a hard time for not adopting, the same applies here. The important part to remember is that everyone deserves the right to choose what option works best for them.

Myth #7 Anyone can become a surrogate

Surrogates must go through a screening process. There are strict surrogate requirement. It is actually quite difficult to become a surrogate. Not just anyone gets approved.

Myth #8 Only women 30 years or younger can be a surrogate

The important thing to remember is that it matter what age the EGG is. Surrogates don’t generally use their egg. Which means the genetic material of the baby is coming from a younger source. What that means is that, as long as a woman has not entered menopause, they are able to carry a child without the same genetic concerns

Myth #9 Surrogates can keep the baby

First, surrogates are screened to ensure that they aren’t wanting to keep the baby. Secondly, there are clear legal contracts in place to prevent this.

Thirdly, carrying a surrogate child is very different than carrying your own child. Surrogates know from the beginning that they are engaging in “extreme babysitting”. The are mentally prepared knowing that they baby is not theirs. Lastly, the very best part about being a surrogate is the fact that you are making a family. It is the greatest gift for you and someone else to make a family. There is nothing sweeter.

Yes, you can find a few instances of surrogate mothers attempting to keep the child. However, most of which are more than a decade old. Surrogacy laws have changed dramatically over the past decade. It is exceptionally rare. Legally speaking she would not be able to do so. It is critical that you hire a lawyer who is an expert in assisted reproduction technology (ART) Law.

Myth #10 Parents must adopt the child after birth

For starters, lots of states/countries have laws that allow you to be on the birth certificate. However, some states/countries require you to adopt the child. It is best to consult with a trusted lawyer where you live.

Final Thoughts

Overall, lack of understanding regarding surrogacy leads to surrogacy myths. If you’d like some support in your journey or have questions on what to next. Feel free to click here to book your own personalized surrogacy coaching session

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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