Surrogacy/ IVF Acronyms

February 17, 2022

Everywhere you look there is a new surrogacy Acronym. Supporting Surrogacy has put together a comprehensive list of surrogacy acronyms that you may come across in your journey.


Commonly Used Acronyms


Everything you need to know about "A"

AF: Aunt Flo = period arriving / bleeding starting

AH: Assisted Hatching

AHR: Assisted Human Reproduction

AI: Artificial Insemination

ART: Assisted Reproductive Technologies

AZH: Assisted Hatching


Everything you need to know about "B"

BBT: Basal Body Temperature

BCP: Birth Control Pill

Beta: hCG level blood test

BH: Braxton hicks

BFP/BFN : Big Fat Positive/Negative on a pregnancy test

BMI: Body Mass Index

BTW: By the Way

BTDT: Been there done that

B/W: Bloodwork


Everything you need to know about "C"

CB: Cycle Buddy

CCCT: Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test

CD: Cycle Day

CF: Cervical Fluid

CM: Cervical Mucus

CMV: Cytomegalovirus

CNM: Certified Nurse Midwife

COH: Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation

CVS: Chorionic Villus Sampling


Everything you need to know about "D"

D&C:Dilation & Curettage

D&E: Dilation & Evacuation

DE: Donor Egg

DH/DW/DS/DD: Dear Husband/Wife/Son/Daughter

DPO: Days Post Ovulation

DPR: Days Post Retrieval

DP3DT: Days Post 3-day Transfer

DP5DT: Days Post 5-day Transfer

DPT: Days Post Transfer

Dx: Diagnosis


Everything you need to know about "E"

EBM : Expressed Breast milk

ED: Egg Donor

EDD:Estimated Due Date

ELV: Easy Labor Vibes

EPT: Early Pregnancy Test

ER: Egg Retrieval

ET: Embryo transfer

E2: Estrodial


Everything you need to know about "F"

FSH: Follical Stimulating Hormone

FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer

FGS: Former Gestational Surrogate

FHR: Fetal Heart Rate

FIF: Former Intended Father
FIM: Former Intended Mother
FIP: Former Intended Parents

FMU: First Morning Urine

FRER: First Response  Early Result


Everything you need to know about "G"

GC:Gestational Carrier

GD: Gestational Diabetes

GIFT:Gamete intra-fallopian tube transfer

GS :Gestational Surrogate

GTT: Glucose Tolerance Test


Everything you need to know about "H"

hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadfotropin

HI: Home insemination

HOM: High order multiples

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test

HSC: Hysteroscopy
HSG: Hysterosalpingogram


Everything you need to know about "I"

ICI: Intra-cervical Insemination

ICSI: Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

IF: Intended Father
IM: Intended Mother

Im: intramuscular injection

IMO/IMHO: In my opinion/In my humble opinion

Indy/Independent-Working with out an agency


IP: Intended Parent

IUI :Intra-UterineInsemination

ITI:Intra-tubal Insemination

IVF :In Vitro Fertilization

IVIg: Intra-venous immunoglobulin therapy

IVM: In Vitro Maturation


Everything you need to know about "J"

JMO/JMHO: Just my opinion/Just my humble opinion


Everything you need to know about "K"

KWIM: Know what I mean


Everything you need to know about "L"

LAP :Laproscopy

LMP :Last Menstrual Period

LH: Luteinizing Hormone

LP : Luteal Phase

LPD : Luteal Phase Defect


Everything you need to know about "M"

M/C: Miscarriage
MFI:  Male Factor Infertility


Everything you need to know about "O"

O: Ovulation
OB: Obstetrician
OB/GYN: Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
OPT: Ovulation Predictor Test

 OHSS: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome


Everything you need to know about "P"

P4: Progesterone

PBO:Pre-Birth Order

PCO: Polycystic Ovarian Disease

PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PG: Pregnant

PCP: Primary Care Physician

PGD: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

PGS: Preimplantation Genetic Screening

PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

PIO: Progesterone in Oil

PIP: Potential Intended Parent
PIF: Potential Intended Father
PIM: Potential Intended Mother

PMS: Pre-menstrual Syndrome

POAS: Pee on a stick – home pregnancy test

POF: Premature Ovarian Failure

PROM: Premature Rupture of membranes

PTL: Preterm Labor

PUPO :Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise


Everything you need to know about "R"

RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist

Rx: Prescription


Everything you need to know about "S"

SA: Sperm/Semen Analysis

SART:Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology

SM :Surrogate Mom

SG: SurroGuru

SCH: Sub-Chorionic Hemorrhage/Hematoma

SET: Single Embryo Transfer

SHG: Sonohysterogram

STD: Short term disability or Sexually transmitted disease

STI- Sexually transmitted Infection

SubQ: subcutaneous injection


Everything you need to know about "T"

TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine

TDI :Therapeutic Donor Insemination

TET: Tubal Embryo Transfer

TR : Tubal Reversal

TS: Traditional Surrogate

TTC: Trying To Conceive


Everything you need to know about "U"

U/S: Ultrasound


Everything you need to know about "V"

Vag Rockets: Progesterone capsules  

VBAC: Vaginal birth after cesarean 

VBA2C: Vaginal Birth after 2 cesareans

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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