Support Groups For Intended Parents

April 7, 2022

We’ve rounded up some of the best support groups for intended parents. Surrogacy can feel really isolating if you don’t have a support system that understand what you are going through. Supporting Surrogacy wants to make sure you know about some great places where you can find a support group that is full of intended parents just like you!

Baby Centre

There are several surrogacy-related groups within the BabyCenter Community. Including groups specifically for intended parents seeking advice and support from other IPs.


RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, offers a directory of local, peer-led support groups for parents who have struggled with infertility. While many of these groups are not specific to surrogacy, intended parents may still find them helpful.

Intended parents may also be able to find in-person support through Meetups groups. You can also find groups on general surrogacy, infertility and LGBT parenting groups.

Facebook Groups

Surrogates and Intended Parents Support Group

A group for potential or experienced Surrogates & Intended Parents or other members within the Surrogacy community

Intended Parents Support Group

If you are an Intended Parent this group is here to help one another and address all the needs that may arise throughout this journey to providing one another with all of the support needed

Surrogacy Group for Intended Parents ONLY

This group is ONLY for potential, former, or current Intended Parents.

Intended Parents through Surrogacy

This group is a place where IPs worldwide are invited to ask questions of experienced IPs, research, learn, share updates, and post concerns throughout their surrogacy experience. This group is heavily education focused, although we do provide support and encourage you to share your updates as you go

Men Having Babies

Supporting current / future gay parents and surrogates

Final Thoughts …

Surrogacy can be difficult as an intended parent and no one should do it alone. We hope that you find these support groups for intended parents informative and supportive. Don’t forget to share your own experiences and make the groups richer for new intended parents!

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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