Great Surrogacy Support Team

April 21, 2022

When you become a surrogate, you will likely face some emotional, physical and organizational challenges — which is why it’s so important to have a great surrogacy support team walking this journey with you.

Surrogacy involves so much decision-making, planning and preparation. We know that with pregnancy, no matter how prepared you are- you can have difficult days, lots of emotions/ feelings and physical Challenges. Surrogacy like any other pregnancy, you will experience a lot of the same things as a traditional pregnancy. However, there are extra challenges that come with being a surrogate.

While this can be an emotional and difficult time there’s no reason that you should have to do it alone. Which is why we believe you should have a great surrogacy support team to be with you every step of the way.

This will likely be an emotional and demanding journey, but you don’t have to make it alone. One of the most valuable resources you can have throughout the surrogacy process is a network of good friends, family members, and other supportive people to lean on.

Surrogacy Support Team Benefits

Being pregnant doesn’t effect just you. Your pregnancy can have an impact on those closest to you. Such as your children, spouse, friends and family. These people are the ones who love you and want to support you through the whole experience.

A great support system can provide added guidance and help throughout your pregnancy. Some of the ways a support system can help:

  • Emotional support: Sometimes, pregnancy can take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. It is always helpful to have a handful of people you can call to offer a listening ear for the difficult days
  • Practical Assistance: Let’s face it- Pregnancy can be physically and mentally exhausting. It’s hard to do it all at the best of times- pregnancy is no exception. A good great surrogacy support system can help you with some of the day to day activities such as: Meal preparation, child and pet care, errands and general home care.

Who should be in your Support System?

Anyone that you involve in your surrogacy journey should be someone who is understanding and a positive support to you and your surrogacy.

When deciding who to include, choose people who understand and support your decision to be a surrogate.

Some great people may include:

  • Your significant other
  • Your parents or siblings
  • Extended family members
  • Close friends
  • Your intended parents
  • Surrogate Coach
  • Counselors/ Therapists
  • Birth & Postpartum Doula
  • Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) Specialized Lawyer
  • Your Agency Supports
  • Other Surrogates

The important thing to remember that everyone’s support system is unique and should be specific to your needs. For you, that may mean a lot of people or just a few people that are involved. It doesn’t matter who you decide to include, just make sure that they support you wholeheartedly and they are focused on your well-being.

Ways to Involve Your Support Team

Once you have decided who you want to include in your surrogacy support network, you should decide when and how to involve each of them. Some of your support team members may be deeply involved from the very beginning of your decision-making and planning process, while others will be informed and involved in the surrogacy only after a healthy pregnancy has been confirmed.

There are many ways to involve your support system throughout the process, and you may find that certain people assume certain roles throughout your pregnancy.

Here are some examples of ways you may involve your team in your surrogacy journey:

  • Moral support for your appointments
  • Help you organize, coordinate and advocate during clinic appointments
  • Help you organize, stay on top of, or inject your medications
  • Childcare/Pet care when at appointments and other times to help you focus on resting and other duties
  • Help review your contracts to advocate for what is BEST for you
  • Allow them to help with day-to-day tasks, like housework, cooking or running errands
  • Invite them to help you relax with activities you enjoy, to help with your well-being
  • Be on call emotional support
  • Support to help you process any challenges throughout your journey
  • To help you feel less alone
  • Help Celebrate Milestones
  • To support you at birth and in the postpartum period

Final Thoughts …

Pregnancy can be stressful for anyone, when you add the additional challenges, complexities and responsibilities of surrogacy, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Your experience is real and can be overwhelming at times, there is no need to feel bad about asking for help. The people around you, love, care and what the best for you and will help you whenever they can.

Support people aren’t just around to help you with the difficult times, they are also there to celebrate in all the joys and excitement that a surrogacy journey can bring. Let your loved ones share in your experience and it can be a life changing experience for everyone.

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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