Surrogacy Types: Explained

March 3, 2022

The types of surrogacy and the different kinds and terminology can be very overwhelming, especially when you are first starting out. Different forms relate to the type of surrogate, your relationship with the surrogate, who partner with-or not!, and the genetics of the child.

Here we’ve compiled the different types of surrogacy and some ways in which we can help you decide which option is best for you.

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Keep reading below to see the different types of surrogacy, pros and cons of each to help figure out which o may be right for you.

Surrogacy Types

Traditional Surrogacy vs Gestational Surrogacy: Genetics

This one is pretty easy- Where/ Who does the egg come from?

Traditional surrogacy

Firstly, traditional is generally where you know someone who is willing to carry a baby for you. By using THEIR egg and yours or donated sperm. This is the movie using a turkey baster way of getting pregnant. The important part here is that the woman carrying the baby is using her own egg and is related to the child. In online groups the term “traditional” get’s confused. It’s now more common to use a ‘gestational’ surrogate. Some people think this is the the more common way. People confuse “traditional” with “common”. Lastly, try to be careful when people are discussing the term “traditional”. Find out, where the egg is from and you will have the correct answer.


  • This can provide a genetic link that would not have been possible with a donated egg.
  • Good for people who don’t want an anonymous egg donor.
  • Helps reduce surrogacy costs


  • If you don’t already know someone who will carry for you it may be hard to find someone to carry for you
  • Surrogate mother is genetically linked to the child they are carrying
  • Usually (not always) traditional surrogacy’s tend be less formal and tend to have less strict contracts in place

Gestational Surrogacy

Among the different types of surrogacy this is now the most common. This is where a woman, who has already had a child, carries a baby for someone else using THEIR genes. The important part here is that the child is not related to the child.


  • Only option when traditional surrogacy is illegal
  • Intended parents and surrogates who are worried about legal issues should choose this option
  • This allows many intended mothers to be related to their child.
  • If you have existing embryos you can use them with this kind of surrogacy.


  • Often very difficult to find a surrogate if you don’t already know someone
  • Surrogates are often strangers
  • Costly procedures

There are lots of combinations regarding genetics

Remember the basics

  • Gestational Surrogacy (GS): Donor egg or your egg into another woman
  • Traditional Surrogacy (TS): Using the egg of your surrogate
  • Donor Sperm & Traditional Surrogacy & (TS/DS):
  • Egg Donation & Gestational Surrogacy (ED/GS):
  • Donor Sperm & Gestational Surrogacy (DS/GS):
  • Egg/Sperm Donation & Gestational Surrogacy (DS/ED/DS):
  • Donor Embryo & Gestational Surrogacy (DE/GS):

Altruistic vs Compensated Surrogacy: Issue of Payment


Where a woman is not given any type of payment for the surrogacy itself. In these cases, women are reimbursed costs associated with the surrogacy. The surrogate gives receipts for expenses. This includes no extra money as payment for the surrogacy. For instance, this occurs often in countries, such as Canada, where it is currently illegal to pay a person for surrogacy or egg donation.


  • Can be less expensive as you don’t give a payment to the surrogate
  • Works well in situations with a ‘known’ surrogate such as close friends/family
  • Is the only way to go in country where payment is illegal.


  • Surrogates may feel taken advantage of
  • Depending on the rules in any country- even small gifts can be seen as payment
  • Often more difficult to find altruistic surrogates

Compensated Surrogacy

This type of surrogacy occurs when a surrogate receives an additional form of payment for the surrogacy itself. This is over and above paying their costs.


  • Often a surrogate is not known to you or your family. Paying them protects the interests and rights of the surrogate and the intended parents
  • Offering added payment can help intended parents stop some of the emotional feelings of ‘not being able to repay” the surrogate for the gift
  • Helps eliminate the feelings of being ‘taken advantage of” for a surrogate
  • Sometimes easier to find a paid surrogate


  • Can be very expensive
  • May add to the feelings ‘womb rental’
  • May be illegal where you live

Domestic vs. International Surrogacy: Where Surrogacy Happens

Domestic Surrogacy

Domestic is when you complete in your home country. This means that you complete a surrogacy in the country that you live in. Not every country allows surrogacy.


  • Usually less expensive, less complicated and safer to complete it in your own country
  • It’s easier to maintain a relationship with someone who lives near you
  • Less complicated than international


  • It may not be legal in your country
  • Depending on where you live, compensation averages may be more expensive
  • You may have different options if you go to another country

International Surrogacy

This type of surrogacy is by far the most complicated. To start, if you live in the United States or Canada, your best option will likely be to complete a surrogacy at home. Secondly, it may be illegal to do surrogacy in your country so you will have to complete it in another country. Different countries have very different laws when it comes to surrogacy. In conclusion, You must consult the laws in the country you choose to get your surrogate from.


  • In countries that restrict or ban surrogacy, an international surrogacy may be the only option
  • Depending on the laws in your country, international surrogacy opens up other surrogacy options


  • May be drastically more expensive due to international surrogacy regulations
  • Hard to find a surrogate
  • Surrogacy regulations are different in other countries

Independent Vs Agency Surrogacy: Who is involved in the process

Independent Surrogacy

This type of surrogacy is when you take care of the organizing of EVERYTHING YOURSELF. Typically, its you, your lawyer and the fertility clinic involved. You might hire different places to be involved in different parts.


  • Can be less expensive than other options
  • Works well when you already know who your surrogate is going to be and someone you trust


  • You are effectively on your own to navigate any challenges you may come across
  • Intended parents inexperienced to the surrogacy process and you may end up encountering some costly mistakes
  • There is no buffer between you and your surrogate and it may be difficult to navigate if there is any conflict arising from any of the facets of surrogacy

Agency Surrogacy

A surrogate agency is a business that helps with surrogacy. Working with an agency could include different levels of service. Some agencies are full service from Match to postpartum. Some offer matching services only. Therefore, it is really important for you to interview any agency before working with them. Click here for a interview list


  • Great if you don’t have a surrogate
  • They can take care of all the details
  • Can help you manage conflict
  • You can focus on your relationship instead of the details


  • Each agency is different from the next and finding the right one for you can be complicated.
  • Can be expensive with the added fees
  • Some agencies are not upfront with matching processes

Deciding Which Type of Surrogacy is Right for You

Picking the right type of surrogacy can feel daunting. It’s important for you to ask questions. Surrogacy can be individualized. It’s never a bad idea to schedule a coaching session to help decide what surrogacy option is best for you. In conclusion, You are the best person to decide what option fits the best for you and for your family.

About supportingsurrogacy

Jennifer is an international surrogacy advocate and speaker, mother of two, wife, fertility doula and a two-time gestational surrogate. Intersecting her expertise and experience in family therapy with surrogacy her vision is to help you navigate your journey through compassionate coaching and an online community of comprehensive and credible resources.

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